Office of the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters


These Rules for the 2015-2016 IBT International Union Delegate and Officer Election [“Rules”] are promulgated by the IBT General Executive Board ("GEB") pursuant to the Constitution of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the 2016 IBT Election Agreement entered into between the IBT and the Government (the "2016 Election Agreement"), and the Final Order.

The Rules assemble in one document all requirements and regulations affecting the nomination and election of delegates and alternate delegates to the 2016 IBT International Convention and the 2016 nomination and election of IBT International Officers, including Trustees. The basis for the Rules is the IBT Constitution, as amended in conformity with the Consent Order of March 14, 1989, the Final Order entered by the Court in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 88 Civ. 4486 (LAP), on February 11, 2015, the 2016 Election Agreement, and relevant law affecting union elections.

These Rules are designed to provide for fair, honest, open and informed elections so as to permit the Election Supervisor to certify the election results in the International Union Delegate and Officer Election.

The Election Supervisor's authority to supervise the electoral process and to certify the results of elections is limited to the nomination and election of International Convention delegates and alternate delegates and the nomination and election of International Officers. These Rules are not applicable to elections of IBT subordinate body officers.